Privacy Policy

About the Information We Collect – Most of the data and information we collect through our Web site is used only to help us achieve our mission. It is our policy to collect and store only personal information that our supporters knowingly provide.

Privacy and Terms Policy

The Global Child Statement of Privacy

The Global Child is committed to protecting your privacy. This Statement of Privacy applies to The Global Child Web site and governs data collection and usage at all The Global Child sites and services; it does not apply to other online or offline sites, products or services. Please read the The Global Child Statement of Privacy. The Global Child is a general audience web site, intended for users of all ages. Personal information of all users is collected, used and disclosed as described in this Statement of Privacy.

From Casual Web Site Visitors and General Users

We do not collect any personal information from users browsing our Web site. When you use the public areas of our Web site you are doing so anonymously. We do collect aggregate use information, such as the number of hits (visits) per page. We use aggregate data for internal and marketing purposes, but we don’t collect any personally identifying information.

From Our Participants, Donors and Other Customers.

If while visiting our Web site you register for an event or request other information, you will be asked to provide certain information. In all cases this information is submitted voluntarily. In most cases, we ask visitors to provide their name, title, organization name, address, telephone, and e-mail. This information may be used to contact visitors and verify the authenticity of the information they have submitted. We will only use it when necessary. If you’re making a purchase or a contribution, you may be asked for credit card information in order to complete your transaction. Similar information may be submitted to us on an order form or registration form.

User Lists

Our user list is not for sale. When you visit our Web site you will have the option to join our email mailing list. If you become a participant or donor, your name and mailing information will not be sold to a commercial organization. We may share aggregated demographic information with funders and other organizations. This is not linked to any personal information that can identify any individual person.

Credit Card Account Information

We utilize secure transaction methods when collecting credit card information over the Internet. Women’s Resource Center does not disclose credit card account information provided by our customers. We submit the information to the appropriate clearinghouse in order to obtain payment. Under our agreement, the credit card service provider will not sell, share or rent information they collect on our behalf.


Cookies are small text files that are sent to your computer when you log on to a Web site that allow us to identify you when you return to the site. Women’s Resource Center uses cookies only to support the operations of our shopping cart. We do not use cookies to track your usage or any other personal information about you.


This website takes every precaution to protect our user’s information. This website does not collect sensitive information such as credit card numbers or social security numbers. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job (for example, our organizational administrators and webmasters) are granted access to personally identifiable information. If you have any questions about the security of our website, you can send an email to

Email Newsletter

We send our email newsletter to those users who have signed up to be on our mailing list. Every email from WRC contains an option for the user to unsubscribe.

Notification of Changes

We maintain the option to change our privacy policy and will post those changes on this page so our users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under circumstances, if any, we disclose it.

Meet Our Team

These are the people that make our mission possible.